Your taste buds are just are just moments away from heaven on earth once you step into Sustain Juicery on 6th and Main Street.

Right in the heart of historic downtown is where you’ll find this cozy gem. Crossing the threshold of its entrance you’ll be greeted with smiling faces and the robust smell of fresh organic fruits and vegetables waiting to be cold-pressed into an irresistible creation of your choosing.

Founded in 2011 by owner Brian Lee, Sustain Juicery doesn’t just offer fresh juices and smoothies, it offers an alternative for a healthy lifestyle.

“We’re constantly fed, unfortunately, with more junk than we need, and people are catching on to that,” said Brian. “I think as a society we’ve become more aware of healthy eating, healthy alternatives and preventative care,” he added.

Among the juice bar’s menu choices is the option for a three, five or seven-day juice cleanse.  These cleanses are designed to detoxify your body and completely sustain your dietary needs for the totality of the days you choose.  It’s 100% organic and all-natural cold-pressed bottled wellness.

“Unless you’re next to a farm or on a farm I think it’s really difficult to see what’s available,” Brian said. “Even for a small juice bar like mine, I do run through a lot of produce.”

From items you wouldn’t likely predict would be in your juice, like dandelion or raw cacao, to the usual suspects, like carrots and strawberries, you’ll be taken aback by the incredible spread of fresh produce that lines the juicing area.

Now, there are many juicers committed to serving only the freshest juices, but unlike many juicers, Sustain Juicery updates its menu options according to what fruits and vegetables are in season. Brian insists fresh combinations and ever changing menu options aren’t Sustain’s distinguishing factors, though.

The juice is not what sets us apart,” Brian said. “What goes in [the juice] is what goes in [the juice]. [Me and my competitors] could buy from the same farm, but it’s how you deliver it. The delivery and what we’re providing as a whole package once you walk into the store is what sets us apart.”

Regulars, wanderers, and tourists keep Brian’s employees chopping, slicing and blending all day long. Classic hits swooning you from the speakers and just the total atmosphere of Sustain will have you glad you stopped in
 not t mention the delicious treat you came for.

“I try to create that nostalgic feeling that I once had when I bought juices from a farm stand or farmers market,” Brain said.

“I invite you into this atmosphere the moment you walk into the juice bar.  The moment you walk into Sustain you’re immediately invited into what we do in the back, which is only a short counter away.”

“Being in such an eclectic, historic part of downtown, everyone is already part of the community, including myself and all the employees that work here,” said Brian. “They get recognized just walking down the street.”

“I think what’s important is not to really sell the product, but to let our customers understand that we’re here as part of the neighborhood and we do have that healthy alternative,” Brian said.

“It becomes your lifestyle.”


Author: Diana King